DEAL STACK - 1MORE Quad Driver In-Ear Earphones Hi-Res High Fidelity Headphones

I have found this Amazon deal stack. It is reduced in an Amazon lightning deal plus there's a £35 coupon you can combine on top. This reduces the price from £159.99 to £47.
Old price: £159.99

This is the lowest ever price on Amazon.

  • Diamond-like carbon dynamic driver combined with 3 balanced armatures deliver Hi-Res audio quality.
  • DLC diaphragm featuring PET delivers full mids and bass for lifelike and balanced human voice with high resolution.
  • Triple patented balanced armatures at front-chamber transform high frequencies to vibrantly vivid audio; great for instrumental and string music.
  • Incredibly tonal depth adjusted by Luca Bignardi, top audio engineer won Grammy Awards.
  • Rugged construction with streamlined yet anodized aluminum sound chamber like a jet engine for enhanced listening comfort.
  • Cable Length : 1.25 m